You can quickly watch this 5-minute interview where Coach Fleck talks about the energy needed to power a rowboat, the role of sacrifice, and the importance of direction.
Coach's "Row The Boat" mantra would be easy to use right away in our Gilpin Football Program, and it can bring some to the things that we already teach to our kids together in a helpful way.
I'm continually bringing forward the idea to my kids that we are going to face adversity during our games and in life. Using the word Sacrifice as a concept describing the building of a more significant boat...a boat that can include more people, that becomes stronger over time, to manage rough waters, is a concept that I would like to build on during my recruiting and program promotion.
We have to work together if we are going to be the best team that we can be.
Row that boat...together...with love for each other.
Classroom quote:
We may have all come on different ships, be we're in the same boat now.Here is a related post about Decisions and picking the right path
-Martin Luther King Jr.
Here is a P.J. Fleck Forbes Article about the 3 Lessons To Turn Your Team Around
Comment: What is sacrifice and what do you do each day that is a sacrifice towards a goal of yours?