Millennials in the Workforce
"The kids now days are different than when I was a kid." I hear this all the time...but this same phenomenon has been going on for a long time. I can imagine a time when the new-fangled telegraph came to town and the younger folks wanted to send a quick note to some friend or relative in another state...the older generation of the time would have remarked about how those younger folks have lost the ability to communicate with a real handwritten letter. Don't get me started about how older folks still get mad at younger folks for not counting back change. I personally don't think it's that important to count back change anymore...but there are a lot of older folks out there that think it is a sign of disrespect to unceremoniously hand back someones change.Millennials vs Baby Boomers
To me, some of the stuff we used to do just isn't as important anymore, like I don't have a big production at the end of each month to balance my checkbook like I once did...things change. I think that if you want to teach the younger folks some skill that we older folks think is still important...then we need to help teach the why's of learning these old fashion skills...if we can't-do that...then maybe its time to move on and jump on the new train.Go Mop the back room... |
Classroom Quote:
There can be no nostalgia without change.
*I don't know who said this but I've been using this quote for years to explain the changes that came about since we changed the constitution to legalize gambling here in Colorado. I'm always having to talk to folks about how our two small towns have changed since 1991.
I found this section in the Linkedin Daily Roundup to be particularly funny.
Millennials don’t know how to mop — and it’s throwing retailers for a loop. While the US has 4.8 million 26-year-olds (the country’s biggest age group), many of them don’t have the same household skills as older generations, writes The Wall Street Journal. Millennials don’t even clean the same way as their forebears. Now, as 26-year-olds make up 42% of home buyers (and 71% of first-time home buyers), companies like Home Depot, Procter & Gamble and Sherwin-Williams have had to start from scratch to build more relevant products — including tutorial courses on topics like using a tape measure — and develop new marketing strategies as millennials enter their peak spending years. • Share your thoughts: #26MillennialOther thoughts on change...past and future:
Taking care of horses
Personal Mirrors
Chips in the head
VR for Travel